
jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Which training courses would you like to have access to as a teacher? Why? Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practice amongst teaching professionals? Why?

     First, I would like to share the material with another people that work as a teacher for children from other countries, cultures, ... working in the same educational level than me, because I think I can enrich significantly my practice teachers through these activities.

     Reggio Emilia is a region in northern Italy where they have an innovative methodology in preschools, focusing exclusively on the teaching / learning process through art and contact with nature. They are considered the best preschools in the world. Go Ahead! And in my case, I am very interested in learning from them, and continue my education and being a success teacher.
There are organized tours where you form as a specialist teacher in Reggio methodology, created by the great “Loris Malaguzzi” also apply theory to practice experiencing in schools there, our teaching practice. There is only one problem.... The trip will cost € 2000L
With regard to learning a foreign language, I would I was offered courses abroad to improve the level of both spoken and listening skills, and I see no better way to make immersion in a country of particular English-speaking, because it forces you to make an effort to communicate because you can’t express yourself in your own language to make yourself understood.

     When I speak of courses on abroad, I mean very specific training and practical vocabulary and content that is relevant to my profession. I’m not willing to continue memorizing comprehensive lists of verbs,.. But I’d like to discuss different ways of working with people from other countries but in a common language: English.
One of the things I didn’t like at all do active teachers occupy that through the “CEFIRE” There are very few places for courses, and are always. In my case, I am a recent graduate with eagerness to learn and continue my education, and since I’m not working as a teacher, I find the impediment of not being able to access these courses and get square satisfactorily.

     To conclude, I would comment that is very well take courses theme by entities recognized by the concierge, but should be regulated so that ALL can be accessed at any time and not ALWAYS be for the same courses more
training interesting

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