
jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Which training courses would you like to have access to as a teacher? Why? Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practice amongst teaching professionals? Why?

     First, I would like to share the material with another people that work as a teacher for children from other countries, cultures, ... working in the same educational level than me, because I think I can enrich significantly my practice teachers through these activities.

     Reggio Emilia is a region in northern Italy where they have an innovative methodology in preschools, focusing exclusively on the teaching / learning process through art and contact with nature. They are considered the best preschools in the world. Go Ahead! And in my case, I am very interested in learning from them, and continue my education and being a success teacher.
There are organized tours where you form as a specialist teacher in Reggio methodology, created by the great “Loris Malaguzzi” also apply theory to practice experiencing in schools there, our teaching practice. There is only one problem.... The trip will cost € 2000L
With regard to learning a foreign language, I would I was offered courses abroad to improve the level of both spoken and listening skills, and I see no better way to make immersion in a country of particular English-speaking, because it forces you to make an effort to communicate because you can’t express yourself in your own language to make yourself understood.

     When I speak of courses on abroad, I mean very specific training and practical vocabulary and content that is relevant to my profession. I’m not willing to continue memorizing comprehensive lists of verbs,.. But I’d like to discuss different ways of working with people from other countries but in a common language: English.
One of the things I didn’t like at all do active teachers occupy that through the “CEFIRE” There are very few places for courses, and are always. In my case, I am a recent graduate with eagerness to learn and continue my education, and since I’m not working as a teacher, I find the impediment of not being able to access these courses and get square satisfactorily.

     To conclude, I would comment that is very well take courses theme by entities recognized by the concierge, but should be regulated so that ALL can be accessed at any time and not ALWAYS be for the same courses more
training interesting

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

If you were not limited by the demands of the national/regional curriculum, what would you say is the most important thing you would teach your students about your subject (in a CLIL context)? How would you assess their learning?

     If I don’t have a specific curriculum by the country and outlined by the autonomous community, which somehow force you to give “certain” content, I would have chosen valid subjects to engage effectively in the outside world.

     While in preschool I have “evident” freedom, there is a social pressure from families and first courses of primary schoolteacher that hope achievements about objectives completely away from the reality of the children. Remember that preschool is a non-compulsory stage, and only is “suggested” that we have to initiate them in the process of reading and writing.
     Now, perhaps to review the outline of the vowel “a” and its own sound, isn’t already on an initiation? Of course that yes, the problem comes because there is an inconsistency and incoherence between the educational plan for preschool and primary, as well as the absence of transition between both stages.

     On the one hand, in the curriculum of preschool is not compulsory to learn the whole process about read and write, however, primary is “almost” obligatory as entry requirement. 
     Therefore, how is it possible that this situation is given? To what I refer in spite of ” learning subjects for the life ” it has to see in spite of connecting the educational contents with their emotions across educational experiences based on royal situations where the children learn.
     Examples on previously mentioned are the following ones: At the moment of teaching the atmospheric time, if we give a picture to the children with the sun, a cloud and a cloud with rain to put on the map, it is possible that during the first two or three days it turns out to be to them attractive and appears to realize the activity in question, but... how much time they are going to be late in getting tired of it?

     Nevertheless, if we learn the atmospheric time with usefulness, I am completely sure that I do not know they will tire and learn in a playful way almost without realizing. This I know it transforms a... Paul, might you go out to verify out what the weather like today? This way we will be able to know if we are able to go out to the court, or on the contrary if it rains, will be able to plan some activity to be inside class.
     This is an example of any education that let’s want that it takes place in the children, only we must connect with his interests and bring them over to the reality. Doing a card it does not say absolutely anything, even so, if there is usefulness, is possible that they don’t feel tired and in addition learn it almost without noticing.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Taking into account my personal teaching context, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of using the ELP with my groups?

     On the one hand, it is important to record all those achievements that one acquires throughout his life, both to be aware of the learning process, as compiler tool information that may subsequently introduce even for the workplace.
     However, the issue that affects self-assessment, although it is not intended as a tool for evaluation and grading of students, from my point of view I believe that children at this age are not able to make a value judgment as to the “statements can do” not understanding the action, subjectivity and opacity of the process, along with a tool to tag “disadvantaged people” because we must not forget that children tend to compare, and can get frustrating. It’s just a new way of promoting language acquisition, as the mother tongue is likely to develop in the school world.
     Any assessment either by the student or the teacher, serves only to find their zone of proximal development Vygotsky developed very well in his theory of education, which will allow me to know the potential of each of my students and to make reach their maximum personal and individual development. Not to praise some and discourage others, the evaluation has is UNIQUE end, and mostly in preschool.
      But, in other educational levels, especially in the acquisition of foreign languages in adulthood, the European portfolio is perfect, plus utility as collector of information, serves to be aware of the learning process, and transfer application other languages besides being able to critically evaluate themselves without the need to cheat.

      Summarize, I consider timely use of the portfolio as an archive of achievements, recognition of teaching and learning for life as an opening of a large file that gradually will fill through achievements in the acquisition and learning foreign languages both own and life experiences that have occurred in favour of second language learning. What I am saying is that as file both titles as experiences is perfect, but only for this purpose, at least at this stage of education.